Standards of Procedures for Accreditation of Medical Schools in Lebanon

The defined Standards of Procedures are in action after signed by LAMA (Lebanese American Medical Association) and TEPDAD (Association for Evaluation and Accreditation of Medical Education Programs-Turkey) for the accreditation process of medical schools in Lebanon.

The responsibilities of TEPDAD and LAMA in the process of accreditation of medical schools in Lebanon is described in the Agreement signed between the two parties. TEPDAD is mainly responsible from the accreditation process of the Lebanese medical schools. LAMA, a consultant, is mainly responsible for the interior organization of accreditation.

Accreditation Process

1. Medical schools who have already completed one term (six years) of medical education and have first graduates can apply for accreditation.

2. The medical schools in Lebanon who wish to apply for accreditation need to approach LAMA annually. LAMA will accordingly inform TEPDAD about the application.

3. The evaluation of the Accreditation program will be done according to the Global Standards of WFME for Basic Medical Education.

4. TEPDAD will brief the medical school about the accreditation of the medical education programs and consult the school for preparation of self-evaluation report.

5. The medical school will submit the self-evaluation report to TEPDAD. The self-evaluation report will be evaluated by TEPDAD and the school will be informed of the outcome.

6. TEPDAD will send the report if the school does not meet the basic standards of WFME Global Standards for Basic Medical Education. (School is given up to one year to meet basic standards).

7. The school will be visited if the basic standards of WFME Global Standards for Basic Medical Education are met. (TEPDAD will suggest 3 dates).

8. TEPDAD will establish a site-visit team composed of five members from basic and clinical sciences departments of medical education. LAMA will assign one member who is involved in medical education as an observer to the site visit team as well as one student from another medical school.

9. The site visit will be a full four days in addition to an oral feedback report day.

10.TEPDAD will give a final report and recommendations within three months of the site visit. The final decision will result as “Full Accreditation”, “Conditional Accreditation” or “Does not meet the standards-no-accreditation”.

11. TEPDAD and LAMA will announce the names of the accredited medical school at their websites. LAMA acknowledges that “the accreditation process” was carried by Association for Evaluation and Accreditation of Medical Education Programs-Turkey (TEPDAD).

12. All the procedures will be handled according to the “Working Regulation” of TEPDAD.

13. An honarorium fee will be paid to the reviewer by LAMA.

14. The medical school is responsible to pay a fee for the accreditation services. (Details of fees are posted under “Fees” on LAMA website). Half of the fee will be paid upon signature.

15. The school has to pay for traveling, full accommodation for the educators along with accreditation fees.

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