1- Review for the USMLE Step 1 exam with LAMA’s best faculty Live in a lecture room setting.
2- Access the best USMLE board review faculty in the industry with this perfectly designed USMLE Step 2CS Live Program. The course will cover high and highest yield content that you might encounter on the USMLE Step 2CK exam.
3- LAMA’s Faculty will engage the classroom, and make sure to extract all the wrong concepts and replace them with the correct ones.
ICE subcomponents include assessments of:
1- Data Gathering: Patient information collected by history taking and physical examination
2- Documentation: Completion of a patient note, summarizing the findings of the patient encounter, diagnostic impression, and initial patient work-up
Questioning Skills Examples:
1- Open-ended questions,
2- Transitional statements, facilitating remarks
3- Avoidance of leading, multiple questions, repeat questions unless for clarification, medical terms/jargon unless immediately defined
4- Avoidance of interruptions when the patient is talking
5- Accurately summarizing information from the patient
Professional Manner/Rapport
1- Asking about expectations, feelings and concerns of the patient
Information-sharing Skills
1- Acknowledging patient concerns and clearly responding with information
2- Avoidance of medical terms unless immediately defined
3- Clearly providing counseling when appropriate
The SEP subcomponent includes assessment of:
1- Clarity of spoken English communication within the context of the doctor-patient encounter (e.g. pronunciation, word choice, and minimizing the need to repeat questions or statements)
2- SEP performance is assessed by the SP using rating scales and is based upon the frequency of pronunciation or word choice errors that affect comprehension and the amount of listener effort required to understand the examinee’s questions and responses
3- Closure: Including statements about what happens next
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